DSCF0334_1kg dough made Mar 22, dough split, stretched and folded and shaped on Mar 23, in fridge until Mar25, baked around noon. Polenta and pumpkin seeds sourdough as per Tartine Bread Book
DSCF0326_0.25 of basic country recipe used without adding anything, baked the day after mixing the dough, poor rise and stretches and folds but good bubbles, baked around 4pm
DSCF0321_Olive and Hazelnut sourdough, 0.25 of basic country recipe, baked the day after mixing the dough, poor rise and stretches and folds but good bubbles
DSCF0318_0.25 of basic country recipe used without adding anything, baked the day after mixing the dough, poor rise and stretches and folds but good bubbles, baked around 4pm
DSCF0316_0.25 of basic country recipe used without adding anything, baked the day after mixing the dough, poor rise and stretches and folds but good bubbles, baked around 4pm
DSCF0314_Olive and Hazelnut sourdough, 0.25 of basic country recipe, baked the day after mixing the dough, poor rise and stretches and folds but good bubbles
DSCF0308_I did 1kg of dough and split it in 4 and baked at different times, this was baked 1 day after starting the dough_Olive and hazelnut sourdough