silviabak: DSCF9066_Tanis and Ian getting ready at the beginning of the Edna Mainline Road
silviabak: DSCF9067_ian and Dave crossing the first creek
silviabak: DSCF9068_Crossing the second major creek on the North side of Metal Dome
silviabak: DSCF9070_Crossing a minor creek
silviabak: DSCF9072_Checking the map
silviabak: DSCF9073_Tanis and Dave almost in the alpine, Metaldome above in the clouds
silviabak: DSCF9075_Almost in the alpine, Metal Dome in the distance in the clouds
silviabak: DSCF9076_Callahan Valley in the clouds
silviabak: DSCF9077_Lunch time in the alpine on the North side of Metal Dome
silviabak: DSCF9079_Lunch time in the alpine on the North side of Metal Dome
silviabak: DSCF9081_Decision made to ski down as weather is not great
silviabak: DSCF9083_Ian hits the slope
silviabak: DSCF9084_Crossing the creek at the bottom of the slope we just skied
silviabak: DSCF9087_Almost all down from here, looking towards Callahan Valley