silviabak: DSCF7421_Comincia a fare caldino
silviabak: DSCF7426_Cuscini freschi
silviabak: DSCF7438_Still pretty hot in the forest
silviabak: DSCF7446_Thomas T on Wicker Cranium at Up Amongst the Firs (Murrin)
silviabak: DSCF7447_Lying down on the first peak of the Chief
silviabak: DSCF7448_Me a bit hot on the first Peak of the Chief
silviabak: Squamish heatwave 26Jun-2July2021
silviabak: Vancouver weather 25-30Jun21
silviabak: 2021-06-29_01-43-37
silviabak: DSCF7452_Protecting the house from the light to keep it cool
silviabak: DSCF7468_Dark house to keep heat out during the heat wave
silviabak: DSCF7474_Raspberry sherbet