DSCF7059_At 1140m we found snow so I put skis on but unfortunately it was not continuous. I had to take them off and walk up to 1200m to be able to keep them on
DSCF7066_On the logging road to Brandywine meadows, view from Mt Fee to Brandywine basin
DSCF7071_Christa and Peter almost at the top of the slope, heading for the final ridge to Brandywine
DSCF7075_Christina stoked about conditions! Just arrived at the top of steep slope below the final ridge to Brandywine, around 1920mm
DSCF7077_Final ridge to Brandywine Mt, TL and Murray's skis, you can see TL and Murray coming down and Christa and Peter going up Brandywine Mt, 4 tiny specs in the distance