silviabak: DSCF6255_Christina having a terrible time snowshoeing in Seventeen Mile Creek
silviabak: DSCF6257_Christina and I going up 17 Mile Creek
silviabak: DSCF6258_Here we are again, now we have great weather but difficult snow conditions.....sinking, sinking, sinking...
silviabak: DSCF6260_Ridge to Mt Outram
silviabak: DSCF6262_Looking towards Mt Rideout, Sumallo Peak, Mt Payne
silviabak: DSCF6263_Looking towards
silviabak: DSCF6264_Looking towards Silvertip, Mt Rideout, Sumallo and Payne
silviabak: DSCF6267_Christina and I finally at the meadow below the ridge to Mt Outram
silviabak: DSCF6268_Silvertip, Rideout, Sumallo and Payne
silviabak: DSCF6269_Christina and I at the meadows below Mt Outram
silviabak: DSCF6270_Christina and I and the ridge to Mt Outram in the back
silviabak: DSCF6272_Christina with views South of Mt Outram
silviabak: DSCF6275_Thick forest, tricky to ski
silviabak: DSCF6276_Mt Outram trail
silviabak: DSCF6278_Clouds in the horizon, there was gusty wind that brought this system in quite quickly
silviabak: DSCF6279_Back at the car
silviabak: DSCF6280_What are these. We figured it is the melted snowman...
silviabak: Screenshot_2021-04-03-09-00-12.png