silviabak: DSCF9915_Lunch break on the South West side of Eagle Mt
silviabak: DSCF9916_Christina and Magali with some views on the lower loop around Eagle Mt at Buntzen Lake
silviabak: DSCF9917_Views from the Lindsey Lake trail, lower loop around Eagle Mt
silviabak: DSCF9920_Christina, Magali and I with views of the lower mainland from the South West slopes of Eagle Mt
silviabak: DSCF9921_Forest heading up to Lindsay Lake, lower loop of Halvor Lunden trail at Buntzen Lake
silviabak: DSCF9922_Christina and Magali at Lindsay Lake
silviabak: DSCF9923_Christina, Magali and I at Lindsay Lake
silviabak: DSCF9925_Coming down from Lindsay Lake on the upper trail
silviabak: DSCF9926_Checking the route on the upper trail coming down from Lindsay Lake
silviabak: Halvor Lunden trail/Lindsay Loop trail