Silver Tusk: "a word that means red and green at the same time"
Silver Tusk: Thready
Silver Tusk: at the WPA mural
Silver Tusk: Musique Concrète
Silver Tusk: The Season of the Mime
Silver Tusk: Begging the Question
Silver Tusk: In Which Decisions of the Recent Past Are Revisted
Silver Tusk: Reflection
Silver Tusk: Something About a Baby Maybe?
Silver Tusk: First in a disjointed series
Silver Tusk: Proboscis
Silver Tusk: Husks
Silver Tusk: Standing Ghost
Silver Tusk: geoff
Silver Tusk: Ecchymosis
Silver Tusk: Preserved
Silver Tusk: Runner Down
Silver Tusk: Bresson/Burel, or maybe Bergman/Nykvist
Silver Tusk: keyes view
Silver Tusk: Sorry Weimin :(
Silver Tusk: Time Release
Silver Tusk: Waiting Out the Cold
Silver Tusk: Trangression
Silver Tusk: Spark Gap
Silver Tusk: Easy + Easy
Silver Tusk: Gilroy Under Dawn
Silver Tusk: The Grass Above the Future
Silver Tusk: Drop Frame
Silver Tusk: This was mostly my fault.