kamiakeller: DSC_0027
kamiakeller: Kestrel
kamiakeller: DSC_0122
karlyl: Loongsoul Black Dragon
karlyl: Loongsoul Black Dragon
karlyl: Loongsoul Black Dragon
BonBonChoco: Vampire Mimi Crow
Periwinklestars: Tristan the Beauty
pris8484: IMG_2561
~ko4erishka: IMG_1380
~ko4erishka: IMG_2132
~ko4erishka: IMG_4672
~ko4erishka: IMG_2119
~ko4erishka: IMG_39232
~ko4erishka: IMG_7757
Squishdellia: Finished!
Squishdellia: I love this doll 💚
Squishdellia: Linen Duster for Smart Doll
Squishdellia: Christmas Plantdellia
Squishdellia: Plantdellia in her Christmas dress!
Squishdellia: Christmas Dotty Muse
Squishdellia: Green Dolls!
Squishdellia: Grasshopper is pretty sure she wants to munch on these leaves.
Squishdellia: Plantdellia
Squishdellia: Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Squishdellia: Peakswoods Dotty Muse
Squishdellia: Christmas Dotty
Calfuraay: Princess Elune
Smilga2008: Peak's Woods colour chart