I M R A N ~ light and Shades ~: Friends view Point
I M R A N ~ light and Shades ~: Through the dark sky
I M R A N ~ light and Shades ~: When God paint nature with colors. He enhance its beauty with light.
I M R A N ~ light and Shades ~: Bula ki jana main koun
I M R A N ~ light and Shades ~: A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.
I M R A N ~ light and Shades ~: Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life.
I M R A N ~ light and Shades ~: All my ego wants is to be sitting by a lake
I M R A N ~ light and Shades ~: No one is free, even the birds are chained to the nature where hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.
I M R A N ~ light and Shades ~: The score never interested me, only the game.