SILENCE Vincent: 金山湖旁的小木屋
SILENCE Vincent: Log Hotel Larch
SILENCE Vincent: 第一次搭飛機
SILENCE Vincent: Log Hotel Larch
SILENCE Vincent: Log Hotel Larch
SILENCE Vincent: Log Hotel Larch
SILENCE Vincent: 母女倆
SILENCE Vincent: Lavenders at the lakeside
SILENCE Vincent: 母女倆
SILENCE Vincent: 然別湖
SILENCE Vincent: 北海道自駕
SILENCE Vincent: 北海道景色
SILENCE Vincent: 鉄道員
SILENCE Vincent: 鄉間小路
SILENCE Vincent: レンタカー 北海道七人座租車
SILENCE Vincent: 然別湖
SILENCE Vincent: Hokkaido scenery
SILENCE Vincent: Hi there~~
SILENCE Vincent: People in Hokkaido
SILENCE Vincent: 然別湖
SILENCE Vincent: Big Tree
SILENCE Vincent: 阿寒湖快艇
SILENCE Vincent: 陰森的釧路港
SILENCE Vincent: 成熟的臉
SILENCE Vincent: Forest Walking with local guide
SILENCE Vincent: Forest walking
SILENCE Vincent: オンネトー湖
SILENCE Vincent: 雌阿寒岳,阿寒富士