SILENCE Vincent:
Sakura Tunnel 桜トンネル
SILENCE Vincent:
bench ベンチ
SILENCE Vincent:
Enjoy breakfast.
SILENCE Vincent:
Under the sakura trees
SILENCE Vincent:
People in Osaka
SILENCE Vincent:
sakura & Osaka castle
SILENCE Vincent:
SILENCE Vincent:
river side
SILENCE Vincent:
green grass with blue sky
SILENCE Vincent:
stars at night
SILENCE Vincent:
Taipei Sunset
SILENCE Vincent:
the view from my window
SILENCE Vincent:
太魯閣, 砂卡礑溪
SILENCE Vincent:
太魯閣 長春祠
SILENCE Vincent:
tiny one
SILENCE Vincent:
something there?
SILENCE Vincent:
新幹線 名古屋 -> 京都
SILENCE Vincent:
SILENCE Vincent:
SILENCE Vincent:
SILENCE Vincent:
SILENCE Vincent:
桜 - 哲學の道
SILENCE Vincent:
桜 cherry blossom @ Kyoto