SILENCE Vincent: The captain
SILENCE Vincent: 龜山島
SILENCE Vincent: 龜山島上遍佈了軍事坑道
SILENCE Vincent: 龜山島最高點,標高401公尺
SILENCE Vincent: The military tunnel in 龜山島
SILENCE Vincent: The artillery in 龜山島
SILENCE Vincent: 龜尾湖 涼亭
SILENCE Vincent: 龜山島 龜尾湖
SILENCE Vincent: directions @龜山島
SILENCE Vincent: 龜山島登島碼頭
SILENCE Vincent: 龜山島 碼頭旁的旗子
SILENCE Vincent: 龜山島
SILENCE Vincent: 龜山島
SILENCE Vincent: 龜山島
SILENCE Vincent: 龜山島龜尾湖
SILENCE Vincent: Turtle Island / 龜山島