SILENCE Vincent: Good Morning, Sun Moon Lake
SILENCE Vincent: morning of Sun Moon Lake
SILENCE Vincent: 繁華大台北
SILENCE Vincent: Dreamland
SILENCE Vincent: 湖光山色
SILENCE Vincent: 高雄蓮池潭
SILENCE Vincent: 蓮池畔
SILENCE Vincent: green carpet
SILENCE Vincent: Taipei City
SILENCE Vincent: Taipei 101
SILENCE Vincent: 綠島﹐石朗
SILENCE Vincent: panorama of AnPing dock
SILENCE Vincent: 阿里山觀日平台
SILENCE Vincent: Sea of cloud
SILENCE Vincent: 日本 三重縣 紀北町
SILENCE Vincent: panorama of Sakura trees
SILENCE Vincent: 名古屋 - 山崎川 / Nagoya, Japan
SILENCE Vincent: The View at 70th floor in 85 Sky Tower
SILENCE Vincent: おやすみ,大阪
SILENCE Vincent: Osaka night scene panorama
SILENCE Vincent: 隅田川河岸
SILENCE Vincent: 早安,六十石山
SILENCE Vincent: Daylily Carpet
SILENCE Vincent: 外木山 基隆嶼