SILENCE Vincent: 花蓮, 吉安慶修院
SILENCE Vincent: totally relaxed in coutryside
SILENCE Vincent: just me.
SILENCE Vincent: focus, Grace
SILENCE Vincent: 七星潭
SILENCE Vincent: 花蓮的早晨/Morning
SILENCE Vincent: 花蓮的早晨
SILENCE Vincent: 花蓮的早晨
SILENCE Vincent: 太魯閣, 砂卡礑步道
SILENCE Vincent: 太魯閣, 砂卡礑溪
SILENCE Vincent: 花蓮七星潭
SILENCE Vincent: 花蓮七星潭
SILENCE Vincent: 湖光山色
SILENCE Vincent: in the heaven
SILENCE Vincent: 綠色山林
SILENCE Vincent: look after
SILENCE Vincent: Dreamland
SILENCE Vincent: when the dark comes
SILENCE Vincent: something there?
SILENCE Vincent: tiny one
SILENCE Vincent: 太魯閣 長春祠
SILENCE Vincent: 太魯閣, 砂卡礑溪
SILENCE Vincent: green grass with blue sky
SILENCE Vincent: river side
SILENCE Vincent: 金針地毯
SILENCE Vincent: 六十石山之丘
SILENCE Vincent: A Lazy Dog