SILENCE Vincent: 粒粒皆辛苦
SILENCE Vincent: no more words
SILENCE Vincent: 向陽天
SILENCE Vincent: a rainy day
SILENCE Vincent: 台南市北勢街
SILENCE Vincent: the view from my room
SILENCE Vincent: lunch time!
SILENCE Vincent: Lanterns
SILENCE Vincent: waiting...
SILENCE Vincent: 中正大學一隅
SILENCE Vincent: inexistence
SILENCE Vincent: れい枝うまい
SILENCE Vincent: old kitchen
SILENCE Vincent: an old story
SILENCE Vincent: the day of Saturday in Fridays
SILENCE Vincent: beer boxes
SILENCE Vincent: in the street
SILENCE Vincent: light up for peace
SILENCE Vincent: dark night
SILENCE Vincent: night 夜
SILENCE Vincent: almost down
SILENCE Vincent: dangerous?