nicolas doucedame: Place de la mairie Aix V-w
Le.Nevralgie.Costanti: Plastic People (2015)
jerry waese ★: NYC-TAXI001
Anette Grimmel: Notre-Dame-du-Haut (Ronchamp)
Sebastian Joya: _15881012
Anette Grimmel: VEB Möbel / Küche
Sebastian Joya: Tren de zipaquira
Sebastian Joya: Pedro Antonio López Ruiz-4
Sebastian Joya: Rata chiquita
Sebastian Joya: gabriela1
MFNY: Testify
nicolas doucedame: Sketchcrawl-aix-janv-2015-w
nicolas doucedame: tete-a-l'envers-w
nicolas doucedame: tete-III-w
Peter Seelig: Here is my life I don't say no (JSA201308048)
jerry waese ★: lone-study
jerry waese ★: fort greene with parents
nicolas doucedame: homard m'a tué
jerry waese ★: in the afternoon
Le.Nevralgie.Costanti: untitled (2014)
Le.Nevralgie.Costanti: Non Pervenuti 2013 - Sanguinetto VR
Le.Nevralgie.Costanti: 666gangstaz vs. Helium Ointment – s/t (Weirdcraft 007)