.bella.: autumn wind
joyoyo: 火燒大稻埕碼頭賀中秋
Fadil Basymeleh: Smooth Sunset, Kuta Beach Lombok Indonesia
Fadil Basymeleh: Rocky Village, Tampah Mawun Lombok Indonesia
Fadil Basymeleh: Dark Sunset, Pelawangan Selong Belanak Lombok Indonesia
Fadil Basymeleh: Magic Hour, Kuta Lombok Indonesia
Desert Rubble: steampunk dragonfly
maurocarac: Coppa in paperclay
Cory.Lum: futaoki clay
morgandemeter.com: Brother Robert
morgandemeter.com: Azamelie (EXPLORED #58)
greenplasticdave: Cloud breaks
Fadil Basymeleh: Coral Pie, Kuta Lombok Indonesia
Stephen Poff: August 20th 2008 - Inspiration pt3
Stephen Poff: August 19th 2008 - I had the body built for rock stardom
Andreas Reinhold: Strobist heaven
metakephoto: dinnertime
metakephoto: Danger Death Ray
metakephoto: Scarlet Harlot
metakephoto: Sparkling Zuzzie - PDX Strobist (Portland, Oregon)
*toni.r: er... regarding the fringe situation 6/365
*toni.r: girl. gull. [strobist boot-camp 2. assignment 1]
poopoorama: airwalk
saborabbit: Model: Ceska
Mimi_K: Felt hats for sale