The Library of Congress: "Backstage" at the "girlie" show at the Vermont state fair, Rutland (LOC)
The Library of Congress: Operating a hand drill at Vultee-Nashville, woman is working on a "Vengeance" dive bomber, Tennessee (LOC)
The Library of Congress: Retiring a locomotive driver wheel in the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe railway locomotive shops, Shopton, near Fort Madison, Iowa. The tire is heated by means of gas until it can be slipped over the wheel. Contraction on cooling will hold it firmly in p
Joel_Richards: hotta tt700
captainkickstand: Hurricane Irene. August, 2011.
photobotic: postcard boy
~Nisa: IMG_1500
~Nisa: IMG_1496
EvanBrockett: BK to SI (Verranzano Bridge)
EvanBrockett: Blowin Snow
EvanBrockett: Jersey Girls Tug Of War
ldldick 東來: Cheng du's night
ldldick 東來: Cheng du's night
ldldick 東來: Cheng du's night
cowgirls8: P1030012
ekouptsova: Pregnant
davidyuweb: Bay Area National Dance Week Kick-off Event 2010
[ Kane ]: Velvet Morning
MariaElena Pede: ..nitidezza non riflessa..
kdtop3: 385749563_d5fda4fec4_b.jpg
kdtop3: 322152193_f1ab23b927_b.jpg
LimehouseDan: Underground In XP
Raquel Wilson: Naomi #7
Raquel Wilson: Stephanie Shiu (Canada)
Stuart K. Seels: I Was A Warrior... Once