鴨片攝影 Akira Hsu: 蜀道 螢光
Teresa Teixeira: F0704 ~ Bird...
https://www.facebook.com/AGourdetPhotographie: Énième tentative en vain... Du moins c'est ce que tous pensent...
Ulf Bodin: Uppsala, May 10, 2018
Ulf Bodin: Stockholm, November 21, 2017
Teresa Teixeira: F3714 ~ the main garden
Ulf Bodin: Stockholm, November 21, 2017
Teresa Teixeira: F9764 ~ Follow this light, and you will find silence...
abso847: Tulips
abso847: Tulip
abso847: Tulips
Teresa Teixeira: F9755 ~ Casa de Serralves
vujo71: DSC_0936
Ulf Bodin: Christinehof, July 15, 2017
arielirving: Getting-ready
Ulf Bodin: Hallamölla, July 15, 2017
Einar Schioth: Old bridge over Fnjoska Iceland
a.timokhina: IMG_20170831_122755_619
Rutger.Zegveld: Hometown Harbor