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albums of Sid Padgaonkar
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2018-07 Cape May Boat Tour
2018-06 Edwin B Forsythe NWR
2018-06 Mitchell Lake, TX
2018-01 Rio Lagartos, Mexico
2018-01 Birds of Mexico
2017-06 Pole Creek Trip
2017-06 Ochokos Mountains Trip, OR
2017-06 Summer Lake Trip, OR
2017-06 Oregon Trip
2017-05 Boston Trip
2017-05 Spring Migration
2017-01 Salton Sea, CA
2017-01 Bolsa Chica
2017-01 Orlando Wetlands
2016-10 Wings over Water, NC Birding Festival
2016-10 ESVA Birding Festival
2016-09 Fall Migration
2016-06 Edwin B Forsythe NWR
2016-06 Illinois Beach State Park
2016-05 Alaska Birds
2016-05 Alaska Wildlife
2016-05 Alaska Scenery
2016-05 Cape May Birding Festival
2016-04 Southern Illinois Trip
2016-04 Florida Trip
2016-04 Looney Trip
2016-03 Birds of Costa Rica
2016-02 Birds of India
2016-02 Gloucester / Cape Cod Pelagic Trip
2016-01 Bolsa Chica Ecological Preserve
2015-11 Rio Grande Valley
2015-11 Horicon Marsh
2015-09 Cape Cod Birding Festival
2015-09 Oregon Shorebird Festival
2015-06 Plum Island
2015-06 IOS Trip Kankakee County
2015-06 Edwin B. Forsythe NWR
2015-05 Glacial Park
2015-05 IOS Galena Trip
2015-05 Magee Marsh
2015-05 Danada Forest Preserve
2015-05 Lyman Woods
2015-04 AZ Jail Trail
2015-04 AZ Owl Prowl
2015-04 AZ Sycamore Canyon Trip
2015-04 AZ Agua Fria Monument Trip
2015-04 AZ Prescott Big Day
2015-04 AZ Verde Valley Trip
2015-04 Birds of Montrose Harbor
2015-04 Birds of Lincoln Park - Chicago
2015-03 Mississippi River Trip
2015-03 Birds of Green Cay Nature Center, FL
2015-03 Birds of Gloucester, MA
2015-02 Birds of Chicago and Beyond!
2015-02 Birds of Sax-Zim Bog, MN
2015-01 Birds of STA-5
2015-01 Birds of Florida
2015-01 Birds of New Mexico
2015-01 Birds of Sandy Hook, NJ
2014-10 Birds of India
2014-09 Birds of Cape May, NJ