si_moore: barge and bridge 2
si_moore: bugsworth basin bridge reflection - port
si_moore: bugsworth basin stitch
si_moore: buxton pavilion gardens 2
si_moore: buxton pavilion gardens 1
si_moore: plaques
si_moore: tangs monument 2
si_moore: mill view at tangs
si_moore: tangs3v2
si_moore: sunburst ogden1v2
si_moore: piethorne
si_moore: odegn2
si_moore: ogden stitch
si_moore: 85 from train back from Grindelwald
si_moore: 84 Eiger and hotel
si_moore: 82 Grindelwald 5
si_moore: 79 Kleine Scheidegg and Eiger & Monch
si_moore: 77 easier snow slope of Monch
si_moore: 76 Jungfrau from crampon stop on Monch
si_moore: 75 sunburst above Walcherhorn, Grunhorn (front), Schreckhorn and Lauteraarhorn (mid) from Monchsjoch hut 1
si_moore: 74 sunburst above Walcherhorn, Grunhorn (front), Schreckhorn and Lauteraarhorn (mid), Wetterhorn, Hangend Gletscherhorn and Barglistock (far) from Monchsjoch hut 1
si_moore: 72 sunset stitch from Monchsjoch hut 3 (Wetterhorn, Hangend Gletscherhorn & Barglistock (left), Schreckhorn & Lauteraarhorn (mid), Walcherhorn & Fiescherhorn (right))
si_moore: 71 sunset stitch from Monchsjoch hut (Kranzberg, Gletscherhorn & Rottal)
si_moore: 69 Monch side profile
si_moore: 68 Monch and flag
si_moore: 67 Walchergrat mountains through the windows of the Monchsjoch hut
si_moore: 66 Monchsjoch hut 3
si_moore: 65 penguin ice sculpture in ice palace of Jungfraujoch
si_moore: 63 eagle ice sculpture in ice palace of Jungfraujoch
si_moore: 64 iglloo ice sculpture in ice palace of Jungfraujoch