shutupandscoot: IMG_3523
shutupandscoot: Emily and her cow
shutupandscoot: Travis, Emily, Ben
shutupandscoot: Plays like lightning
shutupandscoot: songs on the porch
shutupandscoot: Emily waiting in the Amsterdam airport for our flight to Istanbul
shutupandscoot: My feet at the end of the trip
shutupandscoot: Big pimpin' at Atilla's
shutupandscoot: I had a lot of fun at Atilla's Getaway
shutupandscoot: Atilla's Getaway
shutupandscoot: atilla's Getaway
shutupandscoot: Atilla's Getaway
shutupandscoot: post turkish bath
shutupandscoot: the celebration after Turkey beat the czech republic
shutupandscoot: Pamukkale
shutupandscoot: Pamukkale
shutupandscoot: Pamukkale
shutupandscoot: Ruins at Pamukkale
shutupandscoot: Ruins at Pamukkale
shutupandscoot: Pamukkale
shutupandscoot: Pamukkale
shutupandscoot: Pamukkale
shutupandscoot: Pamukale
shutupandscoot: Pamukkale
shutupandscoot: We bought a watermelon from these guys
shutupandscoot: Andrew, Kate, Emily, and I