shuttermonkey: Driftwood on Cape Cod beach
shuttermonkey: Electrifying
shuttermonkey: Money To Burn
shuttermonkey: Giraffe Grazing
shuttermonkey: Large highlights - setup
shuttermonkey: Large highlights
shuttermonkey: Stock Pumpkin on white background #1
shuttermonkey: Stock Pumpkin on white background #2
shuttermonkey: Gigi the Poodle
shuttermonkey: Setup shot for PS3
shuttermonkey: Mystery?
shuttermonkey: Checkmate
shuttermonkey: Looking for Inspiration
shuttermonkey: Espresso
shuttermonkey: Espresso setup shot
shuttermonkey: Coffee Time
shuttermonkey: What's There?
shuttermonkey: Frozen Daffodil
shuttermonkey: Create Your Own Light...
shuttermonkey: Fish in the Water
shuttermonkey: Transparency
shuttermonkey: Red and Blue - Bright Field Lighting Setup
shuttermonkey: Red and Blue - Bright Field Lighting
shuttermonkey: Red & Blue Dark Field Lighting setup shot
shuttermonkey: Red & Blue
shuttermonkey: candle setup shot
shuttermonkey: candle in bucket
shuttermonkey: lsm1_setup