ShutterJH: 13483014_10153712817903603_8436494235330470857_o
ShutterJH: Beware of an army of 3D Print bunnies!
ShutterJH: Pentax camera tower
ShutterJH: Camouflage in blue
ShutterJH: The red and green printmaking cards look awesome. But, it's a pain when your roller isn't big enough to fill in the area.. I'll just stick with one colour ink..
ShutterJH: Printmaking carving on a linoleum block is completed! Now on to creating Christmas cards!
ShutterJH: From yesterday's snow storm
ShutterJH: What a view!
ShutterJH: Snow Desert.
ShutterJH: Fire in the sky
ShutterJH: Printmaking test
ShutterJH: A shack and a vintage gas pump.
ShutterJH: I love the changing colours of the trees, I end up sitting under it and stare at it for hours. Well, not this one.. Those rocks are not comfy to sit.. Lol
ShutterJH: Red Truck
ShutterJH: Traffic in the desert
ShutterJH: One last #inktober for #Halloween (yes, I know it's November, I forgot to upload it last night.)
ShutterJH: October Sky
ShutterJH: Sometime you can't take your eyes off of this... The steel ceiling just keep on going.
ShutterJH: Wrong choice of colours for "neon.."
ShutterJH: Here's the whole package: Ninja vs Kabuki
ShutterJH: The Ninja in detail on the right side of the skateboard deck.
ShutterJH: The Kabuki in detail on the left side of the skateboard deck.
ShutterJH: Random treasures in each cubbies...
ShutterJH: The sea of Red, White, and Blue. ⚪️
ShutterJH: The way of the ninja
ShutterJH: I bet the "real thing" taste awful by now...
ShutterJH: Metro Rust
ShutterJH: On the other side of the Colorado River is Arizona.
ShutterJH: Hamm's Beer
ShutterJH: Nature can't consume anything out in the desert.