David Swindler (ActionPhotoTours.com):
From Above
Gavin Hardcastle - Fototripper:
'Gold Rush' - British Columbia
Minder Cheng:
Western Bluebird
Karina Diarte de Maidana:
Pontederia cordata
12. Dezember 2012: Die untergehende Sonne verfärbt den Schnee
Carlos Gotay Martínez:
Carlos Gotay Martínez:
Time Tower
Carlos Gotay Martínez:
Power and Triumph
Carlos Gotay Martínez:
In the Solitude of the Hill
Carlos Gotay Martínez:
Let the Wind Take You
Carlos Gotay Martínez:
Storm, Thunder and Lightning
Carlos Gotay Martínez:
The Light
Carlos Gotay Martínez:
In the Hill of Solitude at Sunset
Carlos Gotay Martínez:
Mysterious Red Box
Carlos Gotay Martínez:
Along the Way
Carlos Gotay Martínez:
Ride on Time
Carlos Gotay Martínez:
Lost in the Mists of Time
*(Ian)* - Ian Howard:
A Splash of Martini
Libelle (Odonata)
Ilko Allexandroff / イルコ・光の魔術師:
Michiko @ Shukugawa / 山永みちこ / 夙川
The Past
Frank O Cone:
I liked the red one