彩色訊號: 48060003
桑詩達: no parking..
桑詩達: 流動的人群靜止的時間
Snake Photo: Cmeha 8m
sunloc: Flickrfriday Aliens
CoMcFl: Alien
!fatima: #Alien #flickrfriday
..M A R Y..: #FlickFriday #NoWayOut
J.Huang Photography Studio: 登高忘憂夯肉.Have fun in night.
J.Huang Photography Studio: 登高忘憂夯肉.Have fun in night.
J.Huang Photography Studio: 泰安油菜花田
J.Huang Photography Studio: 潭雅神自行車道
wander.when: stars, stripes, & watchful eyes
geog: Rocks and Lighthouse
geog: Lobster Traps and Cove
臺東影像筆記・NTTU: 3/8台東反核遊行前夕記者會
timsmagicbus: 000027
timsmagicbus: 000018
beetabonk: the shoes on the wheel go round and round
beetabonk: soul stomping
Wayne Cheng TW: 妄幽蔘麟
Nilton你耳吞: Symmetry