garymulkey: IMG_6471_opt
Cedarlore Forge: grimmrlogi 1
Austin Lyles: Willow Mountain
Owen Bush: Gladius
Austin Lyles: Gateway To The Soul
Owen Bush: 19"seax blade 544
Austin Lyles: Smoke Break
Austin Lyles: Texas Stars
maciej_kopciuch: naumburg_sword_01
maciej_kopciuch: teutonic_longsword_sc_09
maciej_kopciuch: teutonic_longsword_sc_03
Northmen Guild: Riverheart - Double Blade Viking's Axe
maciej_kopciuch: naumburg2_scabbard_02
maciej_kopciuch: 13thc_reenactment4
maciej_kopciuch: 13thc_reenactment1a
maciej_kopciuch: georgiusIIscab_01