James Webb Space Telescope: NASA's Webb Snaps Supersonic Outflow of Young Star
James Webb Space Telescope: Webb Reveals Intricate Details in the Remains of a Dying Star (MIRI image)
James Webb Space Telescope: Webb Reveals Intricate Details in the Remains of a Dying Star (NIRCam image)
James Webb Space Telescope: M51 (MIRI image)
James Webb Space Telescope: A Cosmic Tarantula, Caught by NASA’s Webb
strongmanmike2002: Thor's Helmet
Johnny Paglioli: PK164 Jones-Ember
kokehtz: M1_HaRHaGB_v3
Rick-Stevenson: Helix Nebula in narrowband bi-colour
Daniele Malleo: IC405 - Flaming star nebula
andrepotgieter900: Lagoon Nebula- M8- First Edit
Sara Wager (www.swagastro.com): IC443 (Sh2-248 ) The Jellyfish nebula
andrepotgieter900: Helix Nebula NGC 7293
Sara Wager (www.swagastro.com): Narrowband nebula triptych
Daniele Malleo: NGC 7497 and molecular cloud MBM54
andrepotgieter900: Eta Carina NGC 3372
grahamxx: M51 25th March 2014
peter_pip: NGC3628 tidal tail
planetman83: Antares
andrepotgieter900: Centaurus A 10x180 Sec & 10xDarks,10xFlats.Very LP, No FiltersI Shall spend a few hours on this target later
Shaun Reynolds: FLAMING STAR
gvanhau: NGC2359 - ThorsHelmet
Martin Lovekosi: Martin Lovekosi
Sara Wager (www.swagastro.com): IC410 - Tadpoles in mono # Explored
Sara Wager (www.swagastro.com): IC410, IC405, IC417 and NGC1931 (The tadpoles Flaming star, spider and fly) in colour
Sara Wager (www.swagastro.com): IC1805 and IC1848 mosaic - Heart and Soul # Explored
Mick Hyde: California Nebula
strongmanmike2002: The Eagles Lair