Lee.Fly: Saturday in the park
David Swift Photography: FLA-Captain Joe
slimmer_jimmer: redscale exposure tests
aeneas66: RB67 with Ilford 3200 Delta Film
polyglot: Golden Grove
Josh_Wolf: Heart Breaker
JF Mariotti: Sophie
Tarmo Virves: KLTV-Scan-110520-0005
neohypofilms: Waitress off Work 4
sirazn: Bee.R.Bee
Lee.Fly: Just do it
Rob Mirage: Spots
HamWithCam: Portrait of a teenage girl (genuine)
MFer Photography: seniors!
daverice: Red Top Mt 1 - 4x5 box camera
MFer Photography: Ariana32
matteoprez: Sophie Leanne
Wizum: Amy
Reagan Powell: Bride to Be