Shotaku: Yellow Tulips
Shotaku: february blooms
Shotaku: Hamamelis x intermedia 'Arnold's Promise'
Shotaku: Clematis center
Shotaku: Jail garden
Shotaku: Old jail flowerbed
Shotaku: Yellow tendrils
Shotaku: Yellow witch hazel with bee
Shotaku: Yellow witch hazel blooms
Shotaku: witch hazel
Shotaku: Yellow tenddrils
Shotaku: Yellow witch hazel
Shotaku: yellow tulip pair
Shotaku: Columbine
Shotaku: Annabelles galore
Shotaku: blanket flowers
Shotaku: Pollinator bed
Shotaku: Memories of last summer
Shotaku: Hamamelis x intermedia 'Arnold's Promise'
Shotaku: Spirea and columbine
Shotaku: Hydrangeas and windows
Shotaku: Spotted yellow cannas
Shotaku: Purple clematis
Shotaku: Fall color
Shotaku: Hanging on
Shotaku: Witch Hazel with Bee
Shotaku: Hamamelis Arnold Promise
Shotaku: Yellow Witch Hazel
Shotaku: Hydrangeas
Shotaku: Rudbeckia corner