Shotaku: Coneflower1
Shotaku: Dancing daisy
Shotaku: Rose smorgasbord
Shotaku: Coneflower2
Shotaku: Orange glads
Shotaku: Dancing phlox
Shotaku: Haircut needed
Shotaku: Open and shut
Shotaku: Dahlias already
Shotaku: In a sea of orange
Shotaku: Allium explosions
Shotaku: Rosa Winter Sunset
Shotaku: Color confused
Shotaku: Face right
Shotaku: Monarda
Shotaku: Shade garden
Shotaku: Prickly corner
Shotaku: Prickly pear center
Shotaku: Prickly pear
Shotaku: One more prickly image
Shotaku: coreopsis
Shotaku: Rose sp
Shotaku: Perdita and friend
Shotaku: Evening Primrose 'Siskiyou Pink'
Shotaku: spiderwort
Shotaku: Porch planter pot
Shotaku: Iris pink haze
Shotaku: First clematis
Shotaku: After the rain
Shotaku: rose extravaganza