Shotaku: Monarch caterpillar on milkweed
Shotaku: Black Swallowtail on zinnia
Shotaku: Big Apple Kousa Dogwood
Shotaku: Lego hummingbird
Shotaku: Pink peonies
Shotaku: Lego deer
Shotaku: Purple wall flowers
Shotaku: Lego dragonfly
Shotaku: Carnaval Weigela
Shotaku: Lego peacock
Shotaku: Lego gardeners
Shotaku: The unicorn in the garden
Shotaku: Hibiscus
Shotaku: Black swallowtail
Shotaku: Buckeye on zinnias
Shotaku: Marigolds galore
Shotaku: Flowerbeds at Powell Gardens
Shotaku: Common birdwing butterfly with hibiscus
Shotaku: Owl and Morphos
Shotaku: Atlas moth
Shotaku: White peacock butterfly
Shotaku: Giant owl butterfly
Shotaku: Spring at the water garden
Shotaku: Monarch
Shotaku: Mantis attack
Shotaku: Heartland Harvest Garden
Shotaku: Coming in for a landing
Shotaku: Water gardens
Shotaku: Water garden
Shotaku: Water lilies