Shotaku: Orange
Shotaku: Aster
Shotaku: Yummy
Shotaku: Peek-a-boo
Shotaku: How many insects do you see here?
Shotaku: Skipper and sedum
Shotaku: Winter sunset
Shotaku: asters galore
Shotaku: asters
Shotaku: Physostegia
Shotaku: web
Shotaku: Gray Hairstreak
Shotaku: New and old
Shotaku: Rosa winter sunset
Shotaku: Dahlia center
Shotaku: Skipper
Shotaku: Black-eyed susan
Shotaku: Autumn clematis
Shotaku: Mums after the rain
Shotaku: Waving hello
Shotaku: Anthemis
Shotaku: Reaching for the sky
Shotaku: Anemone trio
Shotaku: Shade garden with hostas in bloom
Shotaku: Petals pink
Shotaku: Abraham Darby rose
Shotaku: Say Aaahhh
Shotaku: Bee and sedum
Shotaku: Caryopteris
Shotaku: Clematis Terniflora