niq77174: 20181020-DSC_0081
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douglas l. brown: Perfect Nest * Day 1
mariobirdphotos: Dunlins and a couple of sanderlings
seattlebirdman: Rose-breasted Grosbeak
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Off Camber Productions: Woodland Park GP 2016 GWC-4083
vksrikanth: Hooded Mergansers
Bryce Bradford: Red Tailed Hawk and A-hole Crow
In Memoriam: Len Blumin: Northern Shovelers feeding in a carousel formation
Rick Leche: Northern Shoveler
rickcameron: New Year's Day
little-W | Studying gulls: Western Gull, adult
sloalan: GULL, WESTERN (3-23-10) morro bay, slo co, ca -05
Mr.TinMD: Double-crested Cormorant Flying
w4nd3rl0st (InspiredinDesMoines): Breaking the Surface
Rick Leche: The wing got cropped, but otherwise! (I like it!)
Adam Zdebel: Bald eagle
NaturalLight: Mallard Feet
wanderflechten: Greater and Lesser Scaup, or so it seemed to me