Jeff Tchang: DSC_0129
Sharkems: Hari and Shipra
zszaiss: Mes Que Un Club
zszaiss: Our first bit of Spanish food
zszaiss: Shipra's Lovin It
zszaiss: Where we traveled on Day 5.
bethgoldman: happy coffee
bethgoldman: another perfect spokeswoman
bethgoldman: cheers! 2
bethgoldman: cheers!
bethgoldman: bike chicks 2
bethgoldman: chicks with bikes
mrhenry28: DSC00160
jdng: Shipra through the lens
jdng: Ready to board?
jdng: My instructor and me!
jdng: Shipra and dogs
Sam R: I280 at dusk
jdng: Hari knows Shipra
neddie: Shipra at the Bee Hive!
neddie: Me and Shipra
neddie: door of a great cathedral
neddie: Outside Jack's Bar
neddie: Jenn in action!
neddie: Boys vs Girls