abs plastic: Claire's Pond
abs plastic: Claire's Tree Hole
abs plastic: Claire's Resting Spot
abs plastic: Claire's Momokini
abs plastic: Mod Claire
abs plastic: Chair de Claire 1
abs plastic: Chair de Claire part Deux
abs plastic: It's not a mushroom...
abs plastic: Claire's Reflecting Pool
abs plastic: Claire's Flowers
abs plastic: Claire's Spot
abs plastic: A Big Hole
abs plastic: Claire on the Big Rock 2
abs plastic: Emily and Claire on the Big Rock
abs plastic: Claire on the Big Rock
abs plastic: Girls at the Beach 2
abs plastic: Girls at the Beach
abs plastic: Aimee and Claire Boating 3
abs plastic: Aimee and Claire Boating with Company
abs plastic: Aimee and Claire Boating 1
abs plastic: Aimee and Claire Boating 2
abs plastic: Aimee and Claire Boating 4
abs plastic: Aimee and Claire Boating 5
abs plastic: Claire on the Rock
abs plastic: Claire in Black on the Rock Ledge
abs plastic: Claire Swinging
abs plastic: Claire's New Shoes
abs plastic: Claire in the Yard
abs plastic: Claire's on the Fence
abs plastic: Claire: Concrete Ruins