abs plastic:
Camera Minimum Depth of Field Comparison
abs plastic:
Comparison: Canon 5DS R + 85L II
abs plastic:
Comparison: Canon SL1 (100D) + 50 STM
abs plastic:
1:1 Crop Canon 5DS R
abs plastic:
1:1 Crop Canon SL1
abs plastic:
My Canons
abs plastic:
Canon's Cheapest DSLRs
abs plastic:
abs plastic:
abs plastic:
Gabi: Wanderer
abs plastic:
In The Maze
abs plastic:
abs plastic:
Dany: Behind the Scenes
abs plastic:
Dany: Grey no PP
abs plastic:
Dany - The White Room
abs plastic:
Bianca 8-Ball Behind the Scenes
abs plastic:
abs plastic:
Window Sill
abs plastic:
Bianca B+W Jeans
abs plastic:
4 Million Views!
abs plastic:
abs plastic:
By the Docks
abs plastic:
Sunset on the Prairie
abs plastic:
abs plastic:
Wind across the Marsh
abs plastic:
Rare self portrait of the artist
abs plastic:
Seaside II
abs plastic:
Seaside I
abs plastic:
Driftwood II
abs plastic:
The Boardwalk