[jf]: prince of wales drive
[jf]: dairy drive, ottawa
[jf]: emerald plaza, nearby, merrivale road, ottawa
[jf]: rideau canal
[jf]: leamy creek
[jf]: campbellton
[jf]: miguasha
[jf]: airport motorcycle
[jf]: friends
[jf]: radiation protection bureau, brookfield road
[jf]: queen of the angels, heron road
[jf]: queen of the angels, heron road
[jf]: bench, nortel
[jf]: moodie drive, ottawa
[jf]: carling avenue, ottawa
[jf]: terry fox drive, ottawa
[jf]: moodie drive, ottawa
[jf]: hines road, ottawa
[jf]: hines road, ottawa
[jf]: port of call marina
[jf]: printed on the wrong side of the inkjet paper
[jf]: ring bell for entry
[jf]: vanier
[jf]: vanier
[jf]: vanier
[jf]: vanier
[jf]: vanier