shimmer & glow: Johnston finalities
shimmer & glow: Checkmate
shimmer & glow: Points and reflections
shimmer & glow: Ornaments
shimmer & glow: Wormhole
shimmer & glow: Reflections
shimmer & glow: Collingwood
shimmer & glow: No she didn't
shimmer & glow: step one: Take cook book
shimmer & glow: step two: read recipe vaguely
shimmer & glow: step three: photograph fruit in water
shimmer & glow: step four: avoid wildlife
shimmer & glow: step five: observe other kitchen happenings
shimmer & glow: step six: talk to the prawns
shimmer & glow: step seven: weigh & measure ingredients
shimmer & glow: step eight: photograph pit free apricots & goo
shimmer & glow: step nine: simulate final product with teatowel
shimmer & glow: step ten: combine water and sugar. Disolve.
shimmer & glow: step eleven: add apricot kernels too early
shimmer & glow: step twelve: add apricots
shimmer & glow: step thirteen: apply excesses of heat
shimmer & glow: step fourteen: mash and play with until the consistence changes
shimmer & glow: step fifteen: bottle
shimmer & glow: step sixteen: contemplate cleaning
shimmer & glow: step seventeen: celebrate success
shimmer & glow: step eighteen: ensure celebrations are thorough
shimmer & glow: Beka's apron
shimmer & glow: Mel's apron