ctankcycles: Soma Double Cross
Geekah: Desk Updated
Erica _ Fischer: Locals and Tourists #37 (GTWA #76): San Diego
permanently scatterbrained: empty can of generic Spam found outside my office, amidst dozens of cigarette butts
blupics: Home Office | San Francisco
JIMWICh: WtF Magazine (Welcome to Finland)
Automatt: Sunday Driver
DanSteingart: Cafe Pique Nique
Greg Jagiello: Weirdest Japanese product ever
/\ltus: Tokyo Nightscape
Lan Bui: Parking
tashland: Hi Dad
washington dc photographer: My primary post production workspace
Robert Seber: Optimal Aperture For Large DOF 10-70mm
june29: kor.icio.us
litlnemo: Close-up of exploded pop can
leifpeng: Miller03.jpg
leifpeng: Unknown485.jpg
leifpeng: Unknown486.jpg
xtinehlee: Santa Ramen
jedwardhager: Strange boat
thinkmo: Bandeck-side
Jens-Olaf: Korea vs. Suisse
manganite: It's full...
Veronika Lake: walnut curves
Derekwin: Suwon Korean dance performance Suwon South Korea
Yohei Morita @koguhito: torii and tanker
Yohei Morita @koguhito: pinetree beach
Yohei Morita @koguhito: pinetree street