karinrogmann: Eichelhäher
Robyn Hooz: Sailing before the storm
Jim Frazee: Bobcat (Lynx rufus) at the Madison River in Yellowstone National Park (1/29/2016)
Tambako the Jaguar: The way to the Tannensee
brunofurlan: Oca selvatica e Cigno reale / Anser anser and Cignus olor
Tambako the Jaguar: Warja running
Robyn Hooz: That face made me sad
stewart charnock: Colourful Caernarfon
Dominique Dufour: Coucher de soleil sur Oléron
Barbara * busy bee: Inveraray Castle!
Jim Frazee: American Dipper (Cinclus mexicanus) on the Gardner River, Yellowstone National Park (2/4/2016)
Barbara * busy bee: Princes Street Gardens, Edinburgh!
Robyn Hooz: Idyllic
Tambako the Jaguar: D6F_7264
davolly59: Kingfisher
Jim Frazee: Snowy Egrets (Egretta thula) at Harbaugh Trails, Solana Beach, CA (8/19/2023)
AndreaPucci: Pink is my favourite crayon (View from Westminster Bridge, London, United Kingdom)
TOMATRES - CARLOS ROJO: Muelle y barco. Pier and boat
mishaleppert: Amur leopard cub 163
Cruising, traveling & dive pics.: Eubenangee swamp from above.
brunofurlan: Fiume Isonzo e Carso monte San Michele
karinrogmann: Herbst-Mosaikjungfer
A.J.Pendleton-Lightbox 2008: Not so little poser.
Tambako the Jaguar: Male gelada sitting on the big stone
Robyn Hooz: Western Light
Tambako the Jaguar: Female moufflon drinking from the fountain!
Robyn Hooz: Today
brunofurlan: Cavallo camargue e guardabuoi
brunofurlan: Gruccione / Merops apiaster