Sherpa.fa: A successful ... climbing!!
Sherpa.fa: Butterfly on the .... lunch!
Sherpa.fa: Morning dew *-* Good news, it's free!!!!
Sherpa.fa: NICE BLUE EYES!
Sherpa.fa: Say "cheese" please.. *-*
Sherpa.fa: To all Moms, my Best Wishes
Sherpa.fa: Catching the colours nature... wonderful hobby!
Sherpa.fa: Shopping in my favorite nature shop...
Sherpa.fa: I'm come back .... is the party here?
Sherpa.fa: Flowers in's Springtime for them!
Sherpa.fa: SPRINGTIME........
Sherpa.fa: Flower just for dreamers.....
Sherpa.fa: Martino!!
Sherpa.fa: Hey .....
Sherpa.fa: P r i v a c y .... let us our romantic moment!!
Sherpa.fa: Red eyes.... am I angry or drunk? Guess it?
Sherpa.fa: Happy New Year!!! *-*
Sherpa.fa: Well ..... my hairdresser suggested me this new .... look *-*
Sherpa.fa: Postcard...
Sherpa.fa: Oach!! Sorry for my back... *-*
Sherpa.fa: What? Hey just again one shot and then .. stop it!!!!
Sherpa.fa: Where is it? ..... Here .... here .... or here....? *-*
Sherpa.fa: My breakfast .... so sweet.... *-*
Sherpa.fa: Just call me .... sweety..
Sherpa.fa: Hey! Turn around....
Sherpa.fa: Just a matter of balance...
Sherpa.fa: Ready for .... being .... Harlequin!!
Sherpa.fa: Bleah!! Paparazzi & no privacy!!!
Sherpa.fa: My fast food..... please wait for your turn..
Sherpa.fa: what's up .... down there... let me see...