ShenChing: Coffee and Alice' adventures in wonderland #coffee #taiwan #taipei #literaryclassic
ShenChing: If it's five-flavored tea of forgetfulness maybe better. #fruittea #taiwan #taipei #work
ShenChing: 曬乾番茄奶油煨雞腿 Chicken with Sun-Dried Tomato Cream Sauce #cooking #taipei #taiwan #sundriedtomato
ShenChing: 南非紅葉歐蕾 & 優格檸檬磅蛋糕 Caffeine-Free milk tea and lemon pound cake with yoghurt. #poundcake #milktea #小草作 #taipei #taiwan #teashop
ShenChing: 瑪格麗特佛卡夏 Marguerite Focaccia 這顆素漢堡意外的好吃,把蕈菇類炒出肉味,兩片佛卡夏各別抹上紅醬跟羅勒青醬,再夾上薯餅跟生菜,咬下去真的超滿足!配熱牛奶真的好適合今天的天氣啊... 老闆娘說麵包是請歐嬤的師傅特製的 #Marguerite Focaccia #hamburger #taipei #taiwan #reading
ShenChing: 台北,好像只剩下殼 the soul was gone #taipei #chinesenewyear #taiwan
ShenChing: 眼看冰箱裡,從台中DIDA買來的碎奇莫扎瑞拉起士就要過賞味期限,所以在松露玫瑰上找了這道「焗烤香草馬鈴薯」來試試小烤箱的身手 沒!想!到!這種只有單一熱度與1極限15分鐘的小不拉機烤箱,竟然超意外的把這道焗烤馬鈴薯烤得恰到好處(雖然轉了兩、三圈) 硬要說美中不足的,應該就是我犯懶沒把莫扎瑞拉起士裡水分擠乾,以至於已經有牛奶浸潤的馬鈴薯塊,活脫像個泡湯的中年婦女 不過最後的成品還是相當美味,作法又極簡單,以後應該會很常吃! Baked Potato with Cheese
ShenChing: 奶油蘑菇玉米筍 Grill baby corn with white mushroom #cooking #corn #taipei #taiwan
ShenChing: 燻鮭魚,大成功! Bravo!!!! #gravlax #cooking #taipei #fish #taiwan
ShenChing: 自製燻鮭魚,成敗與否三天後見真章 Hi gravlax, I'll see you in three days. #gravlax #cooking #fish #taipei #taiwan
ShenChing: omelet and garlic bread. #diygarlicbread #diyomelet #cooking #taipei #taiwan
ShenChing: 終於等到了!2016第一個藝文活動 #drama #edwardlam #ihatethereforeimarry #taipei #taiwan
ShenChing: The halftone of printing. #mizubishi #printing #sciencecooking #book
ShenChing: 奧嘟嘟,嘴巴都能掛三斤豬肉了
ShenChing: 相片 2015-7-1 下午9 37 16
ShenChing: Yummy!!! #child #kids #Taiwan
ShenChing: 嗨~我叫仔仔,現在大約1.5個月大,之前在街頭流浪,直到好心人帶我回來給我一個暫時的家,等我洗好香香頭好壯壯,你們要幫我找個永遠愛我的拔拔或麻麻喔... Hi, my name is XaiXai. I 'm about 1.5 month, was a street cat before, people found me under a car. I'm waiting someone take me away and love me forever. #Taiwan #taipei #XaiXai
ShenChing: Hello, street cat #cat #streetcat #taipei #Taiwan
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ShenChing: #work #taipei #Taiwan #cat