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albums of shellsuitzombie
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LeeFest 2013: S55
LeeFest 2013: Sebaldo's "King Penniless the 1st"
New Blood 2013
Fresh Meat Party
Grays Aberdeen
Day 30: YCC
Day 29: Art School Disco
Day 27: Face/Box
Day 25: Future Shorts
Leefest Site Art
Thursday Club #3: Secret Leefest Midnight Screening
The Big Leefest Kigu Kidknapping
Day 23: PHNX
Day 22: Pighouse
Day 21.5 CTRL
Day 21: D&AD
Day 20: Kigu
Day 19: Collective Upstarts
Day 18: Mint Foundry
Day 17: The Bakery
Face Offs Redux 2012
Day 16: Stack
Day 15: Dayzine
Day 14: Amy Rodchester
Day 13: Donshi
Day 12: The Lost Archive
Day 11: Ammo
Day 10: Incidental
Day 9: Acid Drops
Day 8: Rise n Shine
New Blood Face-offs 2012
Day 7: Michela & Aurora
Day 6: Matthew McGregor
Day 5: LeeFest
Day 4: High Spirits
Day 3: Tea & Crayons
Day 2: Aled Lewis
Day 1: 20//20
Uncontained Launch
4 Apr 2012
Photocopied faces
Face-off final with Golley Slater
55DSL, Bassano October 2011
Hackney riots 8/8/11
VS London
VS Liverpool (25/11/2010)
VS2 - A Tale of Two Cities
Various interviews
The Wool Thang
Brave Cadburys brief
Music Friday
World Cup/film festival
Other New Blood '10 bobbins
Face-offs 2010
Magazine launch/curry
Radio rebelde poster
SSZ Mag issue 1
Ricky's photo shoot (May '10)
New Blood 2010
Radio Rebelde (1/3/10)
VS (16/02/10)
Spin Poster
New Blood Pecha Kucha
New Blood 'We Were There' posters
New Blood '09
the Banner project