shelbyhodgkins: looking perplexed
shelbyhodgkins: looking good
shelbyhodgkins: so close yet so far
shelbyhodgkins: right on the spot
shelbyhodgkins: nailed it
shelbyhodgkins: bracing for it
shelbyhodgkins: gussying up
shelbyhodgkins: silly games 1
shelbyhodgkins: beach rocks
shelbyhodgkins: line em up
shelbyhodgkins: our terrible view
shelbyhodgkins: queen of the party
shelbyhodgkins: happy lady
shelbyhodgkins: adding more flair
shelbyhodgkins: game face
shelbyhodgkins: all dolled up
shelbyhodgkins: Ladies who party
shelbyhodgkins: Morning run #doesntsuck
shelbyhodgkins: Can you say bachelorette? @sauzamargaritas