shelbyhodgkins: Gondi Line December 1st
shelbyhodgkins: Can haz water? #catsofinstagram
shelbyhodgkins: We flew all this way to ski with this guy? U12s with attitude
shelbyhodgkins: Big Dogs think A-Basin is A-Mazing
shelbyhodgkins: I’m sorry, I love you, but I’m not coming home / @arapahoe_basin
shelbyhodgkins: Kicking off the 18/19 season
shelbyhodgkins: ✅ Milk ✅ Eggs ✅ Bread ✅ Full Send
shelbyhodgkins: Happy All Hallow’s Eve sisters
shelbyhodgkins: Can’t wait for the ❄️ to fly so he can ride his new @backwoods2005 board.
shelbyhodgkins: Final harvest
shelbyhodgkins: Attack of the flying squirrels
shelbyhodgkins: My idea of a perfect Friday night. Not pictured - my mug of 🍷
shelbyhodgkins: Party of five #CousinsMacLeod
shelbyhodgkins: Rough night
shelbyhodgkins: Where’s that lobster emoji when you need it?
shelbyhodgkins: Good morning ☀️ #truePEI
shelbyhodgkins: A+ evening
shelbyhodgkins: 1st wedding #meetthepriors
shelbyhodgkins: Lemonade isn’t hipster enough for us
shelbyhodgkins: 5 birds in a nest and the little one said “move over” #birdsofinstagram
shelbyhodgkins: Trash? No! This is the most important discovery in our lifetime. Walking Tacos. A bag of @fritolay - add chili, cheese, toppings, salsa, and enjoy. Mind
shelbyhodgkins: ✅ Yellow Belt #hapkido
shelbyhodgkins: The babies hatched while I was gone. Can’t even tell how many there are - it’s one lump of fuzz. #birds
shelbyhodgkins: First of three social media talks at steak houses
shelbyhodgkins: Morning ride
shelbyhodgkins: Notes from our night out
shelbyhodgkins: What happens when you catch a little too much air off the last jump on Cruiser #theloaf
shelbyhodgkins: One of these animals is allowed in my bed. The other is not.
shelbyhodgkins: When you can't ski it, you hike it. #sugarloaf #theloaf
shelbyhodgkins: First skier cross event. I think she's hooked.