shelbyhodgkins: The dress was mommy's. The tights are all Logan. #loganeveryday
shelbyhodgkins: @macleod19 @sammacleod you made Logan's day. But I swear if this thing sings or makes annoying noises...
shelbyhodgkins: Dorothy and Scarecrow
shelbyhodgkins: pumpkin gutting
shelbyhodgkins: pumpkin guts
shelbyhodgkins: football birthday
shelbyhodgkins: make a wish
shelbyhodgkins: Dorothy and Scarecrow #halloween
shelbyhodgkins: making fairy crowns
shelbyhodgkins: three friends
shelbyhodgkins: building a fairy house
shelbyhodgkins: Pas de Trois
shelbyhodgkins: great form
shelbyhodgkins: full of grace
shelbyhodgkins: black swan
shelbyhodgkins: enter stage right
shelbyhodgkins: the entrance
shelbyhodgkins: deer in headlights
shelbyhodgkins: all together now
shelbyhodgkins: great form2
shelbyhodgkins: kate jump
shelbyhodgkins: logan's not impressed
shelbyhodgkins: i see you mom
shelbyhodgkins: logan jump
shelbyhodgkins: kate toe point
shelbyhodgkins: tricky part
shelbyhodgkins: arm sweep