Ocloclop: Green eyes in the dark
nhanhauzinha: More thunder...
NASA Goddard Photo and Video: City Lights 2012 - Flat map
NASA Goddard Photo and Video: City Lights of the United States 2012
NASA Goddard Photo and Video: Black Marble - City Lights 2012 [hd animation]
uncle_shoggoth: Fiery Clouds
rocco57au: Transit of Venus sunrise
NASA Goddard Photo and Video: SDO's Ultra-high Definition View of 2012 Venus Transit - 171 Angstrom
NASA Goddard Photo and Video: SDO's Ultra-high Definition View of 2012 Venus Transit -- Path Sequence
NASA Goddard Photo and Video: SDO's Ultra-high Definition View of 2012 Venus Transit - 171 Angstrom
NASA Goddard Photo and Video: SDO's Ultra-high Definition View of 2012 Venus Transit - 304 Angstrom
mostlysunny1: Up Close and Personal
mostlysunny1: Sillyus Maximus Meadow
mostlysunny1: I will kill thee a hundred and fifty ways. Therefore tremble and depart.
NASA Goddard Photo and Video: SDO's Ultra-high Definition View of 2012 Venus Transit - 171 Angstrom
Red~Star: It's beginning to feel like "Fall"
greatandlittle: Brown Sugar in a sunny room
Cherie Priest: GO HUSBAND GO
natmeister: Phil the cat
John de Guzman: Occupy Wall Street in Times Square
John de Guzman: #OCCUPYWALLSTREET in Times Square. #OWS #NYC
ajagendorf25: Occupy Woof Street
ajagendorf25: Michael Moore at Occupy Times Square
@Twitter: Visualization: #thankyousteve (Archive)
Gadgets Guy: Steve Jobs
acaben: Steve Jobs Keynote