shawnkornhauser: Nate Punching
shawnkornhauser: Dad and Luca
shawnkornhauser: Gavin and Jen
shawnkornhauser: BonfireGiffy
shawnkornhauser: Needle Pricks
shawnkornhauser: Rich and K-Fai on the stoop
shawnkornhauser: Ramsey...Brandon - Arlington, VA
shawnkornhauser: Obama Assange
shawnkornhauser: Billy Grant of DEARRAINDROP
shawnkornhauser: Disc Bros
shawnkornhauser: Gavin blowing on a fire
shawnkornhauser: Spoon nose
shawnkornhauser: Our campsite at night
shawnkornhauser: Scott cookin' up some grub
shawnkornhauser: K-Fai shimmering
shawnkornhauser: Rich. intensity
shawnkornhauser: Rich contemplating
shawnkornhauser: Rich and the Disc gang
shawnkornhauser: Gavin sizing up from a rough lie
shawnkornhauser: Jay trying to see through the harsh sunlight
shawnkornhauser: Nate hiding, as he is notoriously camera shy.
shawnkornhauser: Jen serenading Gavin, who is rapt.