Shawnimal: Self portrait with brush pen...
Shawnimal: Pork Dumpling mini vinyl sneak preview! What cha' think?
Shawnimal: Shawnimals booth no. 650 at C2E2 in Chicago! Here all weekend...
Shawnimal: What time is it? Ninja time, of course... which is at 10:56 apparently.
Shawnimal: Remmy has taken to sitting and looking out the hatch window. I call this progress...
Shawnimal: Remmy Ninja coming soon! As a thank you, and to support our neighborhood dog park...
Shawnimal: Ninja of the Month photo teaser! Any guesses? Scheduled for release Wednesday April 4th 2012 at 1:00pm CDT at
Shawnimal: Many Faces of Love Fang! 30 x 30 inch. Acrylic on panel.
Shawnimal: The many faces of Love Fang... Work in progress at live painting with @smallandround and @danmayart for Nettlehorst school fundraising gala! Bid via Twitter @shawnimal
Shawnimal: Ghost-filled dumplings! Customs by Shawnimal and Monte! For While Supplies Last: a concept storeat Pawn Works in Chicago on Damen Ave. Next Saturday!
Shawnimal: Remmy's progress report from her bandage changes today. Yes, it's going to e a long road but it sure is nice to see good news along the way. Checked off on 'doing well' and the doc is pleased with how the right hind leg is going. Awesome...
Shawnimal: Remmy hanging with us at the Emergency Vet Center. Bandaged up and still getting rid of the infection but she sure was happy to hang out with us! Coming home Friday most likely...
Shawnimal: Day 7: Admittedly not the best photo but this is Remmy wiggling around sitting on Jen's lap, out of her kennel, looking more like herself than ever. Yes, the doctors and nurses are fixing her wounds, but you made this possible. Thank you!
Shawnimal: That's the face we've been waiting for. Good girl...
Shawnimal: Remmy is recovering, but it'll be a long road...
Shawnimal: Holographic Galaxy Ninja buttons from Busy Beaver buttons! #NinjaOfTheMonth #NotM #Ninjatown
Shawnimal: Well, well, well! Look who showed up at Shawnimals HQ! Original hand-sewn Shawnimal Cat Gremlin!
Shawnimal: Ninja of the Month teaser! First release of 2012 next week...
Shawnimal: Pocket Pants! Coming soon...
Shawnimal: Feroshis getting ready to go!
Shawnimal: Remmy loves sparkling water...
Shawnimal: Progress! More info soon...
Shawnimal: Pork dumplings! Info about the release soon...
Shawnimal: Dawgs and Splugs!
Shawnimal: Mr. Demon in progress. Not quite right yet, but on its way...
Shawnimal: Demo table at the Plushform event. Thanks Sakura!
Shawnimal: Final prep for the Plushform show tonight at OhNo!Doom in Chicago...
Shawnimal: Plushform sneak peeks...
Shawnimal: Final NYCC prep...
Shawnimal: Amanda what-did-she-ride-a-phant...?